I talked to Wade and Tom, and got no mail reply, but I couldn't log on and hoped for the best, and I was right, they(idk which of them) changed my name!
Just to clarify, I had a really shitty name, and I went from ninja2142>NinjaGuy, w00t! I've already replaced my main image, but in threads, it still has posts where I was quoted as ninja2142.
In other new(of me) I hit level seven... I should've been voting the past three years, I think I would be around level 38, idk, post in the comment area if you know exactly where I'd be if I deposited 10exp daily :P.
Update:I have recorded the song, with ONLY guitar part, its really shitty, its only the gist of the song, I still need to throw in the drum track, and if I get contacted, a vocaltrack as well. I also uploaded some improvisiation to the Audio Portal, its not too bad, just a but low quality recording.
Lastly, I've been writing a song, and I need a singer, I've got it all ready, and I will record it on Youtube before I do a Newgrounds final thing(bass ackwards right?). I am out of a recorder, but have a camera, so that is WHY. Also, for the video, if you are a drummer, and are interested, please comment or PM me, for anybody reading, the song was inspired by the following color: